Parent Cheat Sheet : The Internet Slang Dictionary

April 21, 2018
Smart Protect

Have no idea what your kids are saying when they type  TTYL, BBFN, LMK, or TMSIDK?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of us parents feel the same way. It’s like your kids are texting or writing in a foreign language, one designed specifically to keep you out of the loop.

Of course, this isn’t really the case. Lots of adults know the terms, too. But if you’re not someone who has stayed in the know it can seem a little daunting and make you feel like your kids may be saying things that are worrying, or unacceptable. And perhaps they are.

The thing is, Internet slang and Internet acronyms all came about as a way to type much-used phrases much faster.

Hence the above is actually ‘talk to you later’, ‘bye bye for now’, ‘let me know’, and ‘tell me something I didn’t know’.

Unless you’re going to become a constant texter, IMer, chat room participant or a member of an Internet forum, then you’re probably not going to get to be as familiar with these terms as our kids are (after all, they grew up using them, and often inventing them, it’s as much as part of their world as smart phones, computers and TV).

But never fear, because there exists a spiffy little site called Internet Slang. This is your go-to dictionary to check out what the heck is being said. They have a list of the latest acronyms added to the dictionary, as well as an A to Z index and a search box to help you find what you’re looking for.

If you’re wondering WWCND, or wondering what that means, go on over to the dictionary and start finding out. (Click HERE)

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